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Summer 2015

Getting Them Back to Work

Ten years ago the people of Gush Katif were brutally uprooted from their homes. Their homes and greenhouses were destroyed. Businesses were gone and jobs lost. After months of wandering, most of the people settled in temporary housing. But the road to recovery was a long one. For most of these ten years, the Gush Katif Employment Project has worked tirelessly to help these people, retrain them for productive employment and guide them in opening new businesses. Ten years later, there are still some families who need our help. Let’s mark the 10 year anniversary of the Gush Katif Expulsion with a final push to get every last Gush Katif refugee a job. With your help, we can help these wonderful people support their families with dignity.

Stand Up For Israel                Request your complimentary paper copy of this Nahala

In Love With Judaism
Pastor Rudy Fidel

…Rudy has been to Israel 18 times and is planning another trip this coming fall. But his devotion to Israel begins with his love for the Jewish people, and that love, in turn, was a direct result of his personal decision to follow God. “It was God who put that desire and love in me, who empowered me to follow His word and His Torah,” explains Fidel. “I have a love for Judaism and I believe it’s totally wrong to try to convert Jews to Christianity. We believe in the same word. God was first God to Israel, and now we as Christians have also received the same God as our Redeemer. As Christians we have a duty to serve our older brother, the Jewish people, helping them concerning God’s promises towards the Land of Israel.”…

Click here for a downloadable PDF of this Nahala

Pioneers In Our Day                    

Dror Vanunu
Looking Back and Looking Forward

…“Throughout the struggle, we focused on ideology and values. We talked about faith and hope. We brought a different discourse to the Israeli political discussion. Dr. Anat Rot just wrote a book about her experiences in Gush Katif. She was an extreme leftwing sociologist and political activist and came to document the struggle. But what she experienced in Gush Katif, the idealism and the faith, shook her to her very core. She became religious and completely changed her political outlook. And her story is not unique. Large segments of Israel’s population are seeking a better understanding of what a Religious Zionist is, because we still live by the values that so many of them have forgotten. And our own Religious Zionist leaders are realizing, for the first time, that they can provide leadership for a much broader segment of the population.”…

Give Thanks!

Alon Community

…Alon is situated near a very important junction, between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. Thanks to your help, our emergency and surveillance systems are advancing and provide the best possible protection for our residents, beginning with rapid response team equipment, emergency volunteer training and most recently, an emergency generator.

On the community side of things, we are undergoing impressive growth and many new families have made their home here in order to strengthen our presence in this important part of the Land of Israel and to join our very special community where religious and secular Jews live in total partnership. The investment in our community is particularly important to us in order to ensure that we have the internal strength