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A Visit With Shmuel: Yakir

I have visited Yakir many times, but this time I was blown away by how far it has come. Yakir is a well-established, cohesive, and active community located in the lush rolling hills of western Samaria.

Pikudei – Exodus 38:21 – 40:38

Twice, Scripture tells us that the glory of God has filled the Tabernacle, which, in essence is what the Tabernacle was for. When God first instructed Moses on this issue, He said: “And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst” (Exodus 25:8). Clearly, in having His glory fill the Tabernacle, He is dwelling among His people.

Lessons from the Terrible Events in Europe Today

Ukraine! There is nothing else on anyone’s minds today but the terrible situation that has developed in the Ukraine. An independent country in Eastern Europe, formerly part of the Soviet bloc, has been invaded by Russia. Vladimir Putin, a former KGB officer, has long desired the restoration of Russian imperial and Soviet powers, which included Russian influence or control over Eastern Europe.


De volkeren kunnen Israël steunen Laatst was ik op het lokale politiebureau, voor een gesprek met het hoofd van de politie. Terwijl ik daar was, kwamen een aantal politieagenten het kantoor binnen en brachten aan hun baas verslag uit over de verschillende criminele activiteiten die ze aan het onderzoeken waren. Een daarvan was een diefstal … Read more